
BLISS knows each person is unique and seeks support him/her in an individual way. To serve each member in the most convenient way, we offer numerous support options.


Messaging support: answers provided within an average of 24 hours

Quick answers to generic questions on any health matter: $1.99

Specific answers to questions, customized to your profile: $9.90

Detailed answer to questions, customized to your profile and includes references and citations: $49


Phone counseling

$9.90 per 10 minute increment


Web video counseling

30 minute session: $49


100% Satisfaction or 7 days Money Back Guaranteed. No hassles.



BLISS melds the  lifestyle and nutritional approaches to prevention and complementing conventional medical treatment, from many experts, including Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Andrew Weil, and Dr. Deepak Chopra -- for your specific age, health status, type of cancer, weight, height, personality, etc.  


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You’ll receive just the science (no hype)

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