Free consult

FREE 30 Minute Initial Consultation


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Your gender (sex)

What is your age (years) ?

Current Weight (lbs)

Height ( Inches)


Have you ever been diagnosed with a physical or mental disease? List all that apply. Use the broad description you’re familiar with: even if it’s self-diagnosis. Don’t worry about clinical accurancy.

BLISS in Health is your individually-tailored path to Optimal Health.

To introduce you to our unique Online Consulting Health Service, we offer a 30 minute FREE consultation for any health concern/issue.

SPECIAL OFFER: (valid till Midnight 30 NOV 2022, Eastern Time, USA): enter Code BLSH622, into the "general health status" box, as you register, and become entitled to any FIVE follow-up paid consultations (IF you choose: see other services under the "Catalog" tab), at a 50% discount.

Questions? CLICK HERE