BLISSinHEALTH is your Health Coach, by your side 24X7; helping you achieve SUPERB Health - Physical, Mental and Spiritual
“BLISSinHEALTH’s coaching provided DRAMATIC improvements to my HEALTH & HAPPINESS -- with EFFECTIVE lifestyle changes which did NOT disrupt my pre-existing GOALS or RELATIONSHIPS" .... Dr. Wali Haider, Atlanta, USA
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Click here for a FREE initial consultationBalanced perspectives on vital issues in Integrative Health

Today, therefore, is our chance to redefine our health systems so that they provide the balance and connectedness that the Twenty-First Century so desperately needs.if we nurture the humane, guiding principles of integrated health through combining the best of the ancient, well-tried methods with the rigours of science..we will be taking the first bold step in a new vision for the future healthcare of the world
Keynote address by HRH Prince charles at the World Health Assembly in Geneva in 2006